Not A City Girl Any More !

My small space in a big world

Archive for the tag “CHANGE”

NYCACC be Accountable for not doing right by the Animals

Every once in awhile I post something about animals that is important to me. This is one of those times. There is a Petition   going around to give New York City a little shove towards doing the right Thing.

I know it is such a shame that you have to give our elected officials and our government departments a shove to do the right thing. This is what we must do so I am trying to help do that.

It is so important to me as I have one of those dogs from NYC as part of my Family. Here she is on her intake photo. She looks so frighten and do you blame her for being so scared? Midnight was going to be killed because she had kennel cough. It is very treatable and more important  it is preventable.


      This is a photo (below) a volunteer took. The volunteer took the time to have her comfortable to take her picture. The VOLUNTEERS are AMAZING at the NYCACC. Thank you guy’s so much for all the care you give to the NYCACC animals. This is the picture I saw on my Facebook in the middle of the night on a To Be Destroyed List on Urgent Part 2 Death Row Dogs.  A Facebook site that post dogs that are not seen by the public. I had this feeling that I needed to give her a home and I am so glad I did. She is so very sweet and smart. I contacted a Rescue in NYC  Social Tees Animal Rescue  and they made it happen for Midnight to become part of my Family. I live in Western NY and Midnight traveled across NY state to find her forever home.

There are so many people out there that are trying to save these animals and yet the NYCACC is suppose to be doing what so many of these caring people do. That is why it is so important to sign thePetition . To make NYCACC and the NYC Department of health accountable for not doing their job and not doing it right. So please sign the Petition and make NYCACC know they need to do their job and do it right. NYC is suppose to be a leader and yet they are so un-evolved when it comes to our pets.

This is Midnight sense she has been with me. All NYCACC wanted to do with her is kill her.




WordPress Inspire Me

What was the one experience that completely changed your life? What happened? How did it change your life?

The one experience that changed my life you would think was having my son. Though indeed it did change my life and I am happy to have went threw the experience of motherhood . It was more of a natural experience and the changes in my life were expected.  The experience that did change my life and not expected was looking at death.

Before the safety changes were made in the tattoo industry I went and got my first and last Tattoo  I was also given the Hepatitis Virus. I lived with that virus in my body for 10 years while it was destroying my liver . It came to a time where I had gotten so ill and action had to be taken or there would be no more me. So I started the treatment which to me was not easy at all. Being so sick I did not want to get up at all and I slept a lot.

My dogs BabyGirl and Felix depended on me and they were the reason I got up everyday . My son stayed with me threw this time and cooked for me and help around the house. But for some reason I knew BabyGirl and Felix needed me to be up and about. They would spend so many hours with me lying in the bed. Doing all the little things they did to make me smile and sometimes giggle even when I didn’t even know I had a giggle in me. They would snuggle me and comfort me. So yes they got me up and out even if it was just to sit outside in the sunshine.

It was a shocking fact for my son Brian that I had gotten so ill so suddenly and although a terrible experience to go threw we had become closer and spent so much more time together. I knew he put his life on hold to be there for me. It showed just how much Brian does love me. I am a lucky woman and this experience showed me just how lucky I am.

Now I always Look at what I  have instead of what I don’t have. I am not a wealthy person in money but I am one of the wealthiest persons when it come to knowing that My Family Loves me. I found out my little crew Loves me not by telling me but by showing me. You just can’t put a price on that.

My treatment went well and I did not have to go threw a second round. Six months was long enough for me. I think it went well because of the care I had received from my little family. Brian  has moved out and we don’t see each other as often but he comes over more or less once a week to spend time together. Felix has sense passed on to Rainbow Bridge     ( he was 15 years old) and I was there for him during his illness as he was for me and he died at home in my arms. BabyGirl has reached her elder years and in great health . She has started her white face and has a new friend Midnight who has completely changed BabyGirl into thinking she is a puppy.

I can’t ask for more as I have little home with a beautiful view. Some really fantastic dogs, and  a wonderful  son who showed his mom that she is important to him. Well time to go as BabyGirl is doing her little act she does when she wants me off the computer. She has taught Midnight this and Midnight has taken it a little further. So I don’t have a chance to stay on the computer. I think maybe it’s time to go outside and get a little of that sunshine and spend time with my 2 dogs who show me everyday how much they love me.

In Memory Of Felix

All this week I have been aware that My Little Felix Has been gone from my life for a year now. It hasn’t gotten any easier for me. I still miss him so much. Even though my 2 girls BabyGirl and Midnight  keep me busy and I am so happy to have them in my life I still have that little pain of not having my Felix at my side. 

Felix and I had that rare special bond that comes very rarely and I feel like something is missing and it is that special bond he and I shared. We had 15 years together and Happy years at that. He was a little poser and very Ball crazy. He would fall asleep with a ball in his mouth! If Felix was around there was always a ball with him.  Felix left me  on May 24 ,2011. He was one of the sweetest dogs you could know. I still Love you Felix and I am always going to miss you.


Not a Happy BabyGirl

BabyGirl was Bad and her corner hasn’t been working lately. So I switched it up and made her go in Midnight’s crate. Midnight has been crate trained and she goes there on her own and likes her spot. BabyGirl has never been in one and she did not like it. It seems to be working as she has been a good girl and wants Midnight to keep her crate.



So sad

I spend a lot of time on facebook sharing pics of dogs in high kill shelters that need fostering or adoption. One I always do is URGENT2 which is the NYC shelters. I go there because that is where I got Midnight from. I work and sign petitions, send letters to try and change the killing of perfectly great dogs. Tonight was sad because all the dogs threads were quite . Those dogs will be PTS tomorrow morning . I just can’t get the fact as Americans how we can do this on a daily basis to these animals.(that includes Cats and Rabbits etc…)We have taken a step back making horse slaughter legal again. We Americans are not all that we think we are. We have not evolved all that much. Tonight I go to sleep so sad for trying to save those dogs know they will be PTS in the morning. This is my opinion !

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